December 2018


Sugar Plum Gary- A Six-Footer in Red Feet Pajamas

The Best Christmas Miracle is Just Waking Up!

On a very stormy night, when the winds were blowing, when the rain was pelting down and branches were scraping not just the roof of my car but even the hood, I had the pleasure to participate in a heart-warming but irreverent “participantry” hosted by Sugar Plum Gary aka Emmett Montgomery, in the small intimate space at 18th and Union. It was one hour of sheer delight, as Sugar Plum Gary dressed in a bright red onesie answered questions from the audience about Santa Claus and Christmas.


‘Puss in Boots’ Panto Play by Fremont Players

It is rare that a show takes to heart the saying that a performance is incomplete without its audience. In Panto, it’s gospel. You might say “No, it isn’t!” But I answer, “Oh, yes it is!”

The call and response in the first paragraph shows one of the ways the audience joins a panto show as one of the players. At the Fremont Players opening of Puss in Boots, much of the audience, adult and child, came ready and knew what to expect. In England, over the Christmas holiday season you have your pick of dozens of panto productions in towns and cities. Here in Seattle your choice is easy—Puss in Boots.



To Veil or not to Veil, that is the Question.

Is the topic of the play Veils, which opened at West of Lenin produced by Macha Theatre Works. Written byTom Coash, a former professor at the American University of Cairo, where the play takes place just prior to the Arab Spring in 2010 and 2011. It has multiple layers of conflict, focused around whether Muslim women should wear the traditional to veil or not; and almost all the complex nuances of this issue.

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