February 2020


The Moors

If Emily Brontë created the picture of the dark, desolate, and dreariness of the English moors, then this definitely sealed


The Oysterman’s House-A World Premiere

Your Mother is 72 going on 15

Parley Productions, produced a “micro-production” of The Oysterman’s House by Susan McNallly, at their University Heights space this weekend. A “micro-production” is a stripped down production with minimal props, set and costumes ( and indeed, in this micro-production, minimal actors) through a playwrights organization trying to make theatre accessible to all, by staging original works to a pay-what you can audience. Parley Productions seemed to have had a successful night because every seat was filled and the “micro-production” was an excellent show-case.


Asylum in Georgia

A World premier, Asylum in Georgia, by Seattle playwright John C. Davenport produced by Red Rover Theatre Company, opened in Fremont on Thursday with more of a wimper than a bang. Taking place in a tiny town in the South, it was a combination of a comedy and mystery, as a woman retraces the steps of her youth to the place where her father died somewhat mysteriously and uncovers a few buried secrets about the town and its inhabitants.

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