May 2012



No Accounting for Laughter

Leaving Iowa, a regional premiere, written by Tim Clue and Spike Manton, opened at Taproot Theatre on Friday night. Its subtitle could be: Unpleasant Family Vacations in a Station Wagon Recounted. Judging by the audiences laughter and applause, it obviously amused some people, but it bored me.


House of Bernada Alba

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.

“The House of Bernada Alba”, adapted by Emily Mann from Federico Garcia Lorca’s play of the same name, opened at Theatre 9-12 on Friday, May 5th. Considered by many as a martyr of the Spanish Civil War, Garcia Lorca was a very important early 20th Century Spanish poet and playwright. Like his surrealist friend, the painter Salvador Dali, Lorca was gay.

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