The Tempest is being shown this summer by the Seattle Shakespeare Company. It is being shown for free in various parks around the Puget Sound as part of Free Shakespeare in the Parks, and is directed by Lee Adcock-Starr.
The Seattle Shakespeare company did an amazing job with their adaptation of this play, finding the perfect balance between humor and seriousness, portraying love, confusion, betrayal, forgiveness, and constant musings on freedom all at once.
The actors are all excellent, each fully giving themselves to the characters they are playing and giving them each their own unique quirks and personalities that allow the audience to feel for them, to connect with them and further immerse themselves into the world that they are creating. I found myself laughing, worrying, and triumphing along with the cast, and thought that they did a rather impressive job with each and every part.
The cast consists of Maggie Carrido (Sea Captain/Musician), Miguel Castellano (Caliban/Ferdinand), Tim Gouran (Ariel), Sarah Harlett (Antonio/Stephano), Kathy Hsieh (Gonzalo), Tracy Michelle Hughes (Prospero), Jesimiel Jenkins (Sebastian/Trinculo), Malex Reed (Boatswain/Musician), Mimi Santos (Miranda), Izzy Schonfeld (Sailor/Musician), Richard Nguyen Sloniker (Alonso).
While utilizing a simple set, they make the most of the outdoor setting and use every inch of space to their advantage, transforming the stage from a ship to various island locations in a blink of an eye, bringing the audience into the story with ease.
The musical accompaniment is excellent, with both vocal and instrumental effects being used to enhance key moments in the story, creating a general ambience throughout that I found myself quite enjoying.
The Tempest is being shown July 6th-August 6th at various parks and community centers. I highly recommend going and supporting this show, free of charge if you want! Check out the shows website to find a showing that works for you and be transported to a wonderful sea-shanty fever dream that you will not soon forget.