It is wise to check the websites and Facebook: Last updated: March 19, 2020
UPDATE: Unexpected Productions, Classes and Shows Cancelled
Spectrum Dance Theatre Race & Climate Change Festival Postponed til Fall
Pony World What we were. West of Lenin, Scheduled for April 4 to May 2, Postponed.
Here is the current list:
The Seattle Rep cancels The Importance of Being Earnest and Lydia and the Troll.
Harlequin Productions in Olympia are closed.
Woodinville Rep, Chapter Two, cancelled.
Thalia’s Umbrella’s Europe at 12th Ave Arts
Somniterum Productions, Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead, 18th and Union
Trial & Error and Ten Auras Prod. When a Tree Falls, 18th and Union.
Sound Theatre Company. Changer &The Star People. Seattle Center
Les Seagulls Houle’ywood Beoulevard. Kirkland
Artswest St. Joan by G.B. Shaw. Arts West. West Seattle
Seattle Shakespeare Company Troilus & Cressida, MacBeth, Hamlet (Touring Show) Seattle Center
(The rest of the Spring Season is cancelled, Summer Shakespeare in the Park going ahead)
Edmonds Driftwood Players. The Producers. Edmonds, Snohomish County
Olympia Little Theatre. The Bold, the Young & the Murdered. Olympia, WA
(Postponed for next season)
Edmunds Driftwood Players, The Producers. Edmonds, Snohomish County