Peggy Gannon


Blood Countess-Female Serial Killer in Hungary

Blood Countess or Countess Dracula

Anyone familiar with Kelleen Conway Blanchard’s brilliantly macabre writings from Animal Saints and Animal Sinners would know that the true story of serial killer Countess Elizabeth Bathory, could have been invented by Blanchard, as it has all the hallmarks of her writing-the links between sexualized violence, and violent sexuality.


“White Rabbit Red Rabbit” Questions Obedience to Authority

What can a censored artist do?

I watched the Seattle premiere of a play in search of a genre: White Rabbit Red Rabbit By Iranian Nassim Soleimanpour at 18th and Union. Billed as a one-act play for an actor that has never read the script, the show also draws into the performance lots of people in the audience.

In the role of “the actor” this evening was Kate Jaeger. Most recently she served as the co-host of this year’s Gregory Awards.

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