Bringing the same laughs as it did during its first run in 1994, the Flying Karamazov Brothers premiered their revival of Club Sandwich last Thursday. Diving into a classic Noir parody, the show concerns a group of wealthy millionaires attempting to find a set of self-juggling clubs in the heart of Cairo, Egypt. Featuring a variety of eccentric characters (all played by the four brothers), Club Sandwich (much like juggling) may look simple at first, but only because it is done right.
What makes Club Sandwich so endearing resides in the Brother’s themselves. The group is filled with such energy and passion, that even when a club was dropped, or a line was flubbed; the audience felt as if they were in on the joke. With a script filled with bad puns and fast dialogue, certain moments would not be the same without instances of quick improvisation which kept the audience grounded in the show’s insanity.
This insanity, however, is so enjoyable an experience that audience members (including me) ended up smiling through both acts. The show does not take itself too seriously and knows what it is: an excuse to tell silly jokes and show off some impressive tricks.
Indeed, Club Sandwich is a show which juggles a lot of different concepts: fast-paced comedy, slapstick, and improvisation. Yet, it manages to do so without dropping the ball.
Club Sandwich, by Paul Magid. Broadway Performance Hall: 1625 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122. September 19th, 2019 till October 6th, 2019. Tickets are available at