Center House


Mrs Warren’s Profession by George Bernard Shaw

Conventionally Unconventional

When the Victorian version of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” is ignored between a mother and daughter, and the wealth, which paid for the daughter’s expensive education, comes from prostitution and pimping, all hell break’s loose in George Bernard Shaw’s play Mrs. Warren’s Profession. Directed by Victor Pappas, Seattle Shakespeare Company opened this delightful play at Center House in Seattle Center last weekend


Me vs My Subconscious

My Life is One Long Freudian Slip

Me vs my Subconscious, an original solo show written and performed by Rebecca Goldberg, demonstrated that the best humor is that which says something profound about serious existential questions. Like Woody Allen, Me vs. My Subconscious was all about one person’s insecurities in life.


Barefoot in the Park

The Precursor to the Odd Couple

Fifty years ago, in the fall of 1963, Neil Simon’s Barefoot in the Park opened on Broadway. Set right before the Great Cultural Revolution, this very dated play explores the same theme as The Odd Couple; namely, how can two people, who are polar opposites, live together in harmony, even if they are very close.


The Wild Party

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Sound Theatre Company, which has produced some excellent productions of excellent musicals has somehow managed to produce an excellent production of a very bad musical. The Wild Party had a virtuoso cast, choreography, musicians, set design and costuming but very little else, especially comic relief.

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